Heritage Impact Statements

Heritage Impact Statements provide a summary of the significance of a place and the impact that a proposed development is considered to affect that significance.

It is an important part of a development application to local governments and particularly to the State Heritage Office to assist in their determination of development to a place entered in the Register of Heritage Places.

Royal Flying Doctor Service: Derby operations (proposed subdivision of registered place)

Batavia Marina, Geraldton (proposed marina development in close proximity to registered place)

Esperance jetty (Proposed demolition of registered place) Community group

Yanchep Inn (proposed alterations to registered place)

Cunderdin Airfield (proposal at registered place)

Geraldton Walkaway Railway (disposal of land-decommissioned railway owned by Public Transport Authority)

Hospitals (Lake Grace & Wagin) (refurbishment and alterations to registered places)

Boulder Subway (extensive conservation works on registered place owned by Public Transport Authority)

Port Hedland commercial development (proposed subdivisions in town centre)

Albany Justice Precinct development (proposed redevelopment of registered place)